Miss Calisto vs John Von Dick

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Match Information:

Wrestlers: Miss Calisto
Match Type: Mixed

Match Description :

Miss Calisto is MEGA-PO'd at her boyfriend Johnny Von Dick. She's in New Jersey for some fitness photo shoots with her favorite photographers, and unfortunately, her idiot boyfriend failed at booking a decent hotel. He got a room for them in this S-hole hotel, and not only is it a dump, but the air-conditioning is out in their room on this hot summer day. She had to TRY and put her makeup on while sweat was pouring off her beautiful face, and that just made her completely pissed. After he mouths off and claims it's not his fault, she decides to teach him a lesson using her gigantic rock hard powerful muscles. Her legs show him no mercy. Her rock hard glutes pulverize his face and neck, and her biceps are easily capable of ending him. She even enjoys using her bare hands to cut off his airways. She knows how to use her ultra-muscular body to inflict maximum damage on a male. You guys are gonna love this one - load up your shopping cart today and enjoy!

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Video Length: 18:16

File Size: 1 GB

Price: $ 19.99

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  • Date Added: 12/02/2023

    Calisto gets back to the hot hotel room and she is pissed off!

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  • Date Added: 12/02/2023

    After a BRUTAL lengthy reverse headscissor, Calisto does some standing headscissors as well!

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  • Date Added: 3/12/2024

    It's safe to say, she's an alpha female! (2:14)

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  • Date Added: 3/12/2024

    Calisto's muscle ass spells trouble for JVD! Brutal scissors! (2:12)

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  • Date Added: 7/04/2024

    Calisto's reverse is unimaginable torture!

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  • Date Added: 7/04/2024

    Calisto is about to break this dude!

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